Should new windows have condensation on the inside?
When getting new windows installed, it is important to make sure that they are created and fitted by a trained professional. A trained carpenter or builder should be hired that has experience with installing new windows on a property. One thing some people sometimes notice when they have new windows fitted is that they sometimes have condensation on the inside – the blog below will discuss should new windows have condensation on the inside and what to do about it.
What is window condensation?
Condensation usually occurs when the conditions relating to humidity and temperature are just right. The basic science is that when an object becomes cooler than the air around it, molecules of water in the air combine and stick to the cool surface of the object, forming a small layer of water droplets, known as condensation.
Should new windows have condensation on the inside?
It’s quite common for condensation to form on windows, particularly in the autumn and winter months. Windows are particularly known for gaining condensation, due to their location within a house. They’re often located in the coldest areas of a building – due to the nature of the material, the glass panes are the area where condensation is usually noticed, although it can also be seen on the window frames and fixtures.
Condensation on the inside of your windows is fairly normal and shows that they are working normally, as this helps to keep your home energy efficient. If condensation has formed on the inside of your new windows, you shouldn’t worry, as this is perfectly normal and shows your windows are working as they should. Newer windows actually tend to have more condensation on the insides in winter than older ones, due to the double glazing used.
However, if condensation starts to form between your double glazing panes, this can indicate a problem, such as your windows failing or not being fitted correctly. Double glazed windows normally have seals fitted to them to protect the inside of the window from moisture and air ingress. If the seal breaks, condensation will start to show between the panes, indicating that air and moisture have gotten in between the panes of glass.
What to do if condensation appears between your double glazing panes
If you start to notice condensation appearing between your double glazing panes, action should be taken. If your windows are fairly new, you should contact the company that created and fitted them, as they may have a warranty and may be able to fix them themselves. Your home will start to lose heat if condensation is appearing between the panes, so if this is happening in your home, then the panes will usually need to be replaced. Getting new windows fitted will stop condensation from appearing within your panes, so it is important to get them replaced as soon as possible if this starts to happen. If you would like to learn more about whether or not should new windows have condensation on the inside, read more here.
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